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Do you perceive that Taiwanese people only can produce computer or electronic products? You’re wrong if you’ve ever thought so. There is over 30% of production for saxophone is made in a small town of central Taiwan where the population is less than 55,000. Taiwan is also the largest manufacturing base for bicycles, such as GIANT, MERIDA belong to Taiwanese businesspeople.

Who will look for if the boss/owner of Louis Vuitton wanted to build a luxury high class yacht? Yes, Taiwanese companies for sure.

You might not be aware that more than 85% of golf clubs are also produced by Taiwanese factories. Taiwan is the highest density of mountains in the world, the cultivable land relative insufficiency. Therefore, Taiwan has also developed the extremely high technology for agriculture.

Taiwan has also been missioning many teams of agricultural technology to assist those poor third world countries. Taiwan is also the largest exporter for orchid in the world. In addition, if you’re interested in those beautiful butterflies, Taiwan has the highest density for the various species of butterfly in the globe. There are more than 450 kinds of butterfly in such small Taiwan and over 100 kinds belong to the unique species specifically from Taiwan. Taiwan, the country with only 23 millions population, is the 17th largest economical entity and the 14th largest trading country.

We believe you must have used products made by Taiwan. However, you might have utilized many services provided by Taiwanese people and you’ve never realized about Taiwan due to Taiwan has been playing the key role in the global OEM (original engineering manufacture) system. Just like the statement Bill Gates has made: It’s very well made in Taiwan.” Taiwan is a very important partner to Bill Gates, and it will certainly also be your crucial partner.

You can learn more about Taiwan just link to the websites below and you are also welcomed to write to us:
